Welcome to my Website!
The hall...... of BRAIN PAIN.
(under construction)
Topics to be written about at some point in the future in an opinionated and inaccurate manner by a layman who finds it interesting.... :
- Lobotomies (The Physical Process)
- Early Lobotomy
- "Ice Pick" Lobotomy
- The endless list of things that could and did go wrong.
- Results; Ideal vs. Non-Ideal
- Lobotomies (The Impact on Patients)
- The patients themselves.
- Who recieved Lobotomies?
- What happened to them?
- How many people Recieved Lobotomies, Really?
- Lobotomies (The cultural Impact)
- Popularity
- Nobel prize of 1949
- Lobotomy Craze
- Lobotomies (The Cultural Impact Part 2; i.e Rosemary Kennedy and the cultural tide shift.)
- The lobotomy of Rosemary Kennedy
- Advent of modern pharmacuticals
- Cruelty and Concerns
- The end of lobotomies
- Egas Moniz and Leucotomy
- Walter Freeman
- Family
- Career
- Why Lobotomy?
- Negative impact and state of being in Society.
- Lobotomies from a cultural standpoint in the modern age.
- Current Views on Lobotomy
- Barbarism
- Mental healthcare before the advent of modern pharmicuticals.
- State Asylums; founding, a general history and mistreatment of patients
- The dissolution of the State Asylum as an institution; an examination of the pros and cons
- Public Works funding and Ronald Reagan (of course.)
- Bibliography and a list of sources and places to access them; i.e. further reading
- Sources
- Good (but sometimes dry) Reading
- Sensationalized stuff
- Absolute Trash
- Reviews of Popularly Available Lobotomy Liturature